Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Horse Themed Food Art

One more day and the Chinese Lunar New Year will be here! The zodiac animal for the year 2014 is Horse which starts on 31st January 2014! Since it is the year of horse, we've searched and compiled some awesome horse-themed food art to welcome the energetic and ingenious horse.

Horse-themed Cakes

These cakes look gorgeous especially the loving eyes of the horses. How could you bring yourself to eat such cakes when their eyes are staring so lovingly at you.

3D Horse Birthday Cake

Looking at these 3D-horse birthday cakes may remind you of your pet horse or the day in the farm (if you have one)? The first picture on the left is so realistic that it might spoil your appetite, at least for me? It should be more a piece of art than food.

Horse Cookies & Cupcakes
I always like cookies and cupcakes and not surprisingly, there are many beautiful and creative creation of horse-themed cookies and cupcakes.

Horse-theme Bread

Last, there are the adorable and fun-looking horse bread, sandwich and horse-shoe bread that not only the children will love them but the adults are equally attract by them too! The horse bread in the first picture is created by BreadTalk, a popular bread store in Singapore. They are very creative and never failed to come out with zodiac-themed bread every year which is a good strategy to stand out from its competitors.

Hope you have fun looking through such awesome pictures, the credits should go to those who made and photographed them so beautifully.

Have a happy and prosperous horse year!

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